Growing up in a Christian home, Amy Karen Downey came to realize at an early age that she needed to receive Jesus as her personal Savior (Messiah). Therefore, at the age of eight in a small Baptist church in Lubbock, Texas, Amy became a believer in Yeshua (the Hebrew name for Jesus).
By age sixteen, Amy surrendered her life to full-time service but still struggled with her call to missions. Afraid of the price she might have to pay, Amy decided to serve God but in her own way. However, and finally, at the age of twenty-eight, Amy followed the mission call to reach the Jewish people with the truth that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah.
This mission call has taken her across the country to speak in churches and meetings across more than thirty states and four continents (8 countries) about the need for the Christian church to take on the responsibility of Jewish evangelism mandated in Romans 1:16 and 11:11-24. Amy has shared the truth of Jesus to Jewish people on street corners, airplanes, parks, restaurants, and even in churches. In addition, she spent three of the most spiritually challenging and rewarding years of her life in the heart of American Jewish life – New York City.
Amy has a Bachelor of Science in Education degree from East Texas Baptist University and a Master of Arts in Communication and Master of Arts in Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and was the first woman to complete a Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics from Liberty University (May 2016). She is also the author of Paul’s Conundrum (2011) and Maimonides’s Yahweh (2019) along with numerous magazine articles and booklets that are available on the website.
But as Amy says, “Acts 20:24 reminds me that my life must be focused on God’s calling and purpose. All of the opportunities that God has given me to learn more about Him are strictly for the purpose to be more equipped to tell the Chosen People about Him … and to equip others to do the same.”
Amy is a member of Discovery (Baptist) Church in Highland Mills, New York, pastored by Gerald Dumoulin.
“My heart has always been to see the salvation of the Jewish people. As the daughter of a Baptist minister, I have always understood that my salvation and my privilege of eternity with God has been because of a Jewish man named Jesus. How could I not want to see the Jewish people come to know Him as Messiah?”